pointless screaming
There may be power in your voice
But is there meaning in your words
Do you think it’s you that’s right
Just because it’s you that’s heard

And as I become irate
With all the dissonance you bring
All the anger we create
Is never solving anything

Your speech resounds with volume
Perfect pitch and perfect tone
You may be right but are you happy
When your words make you alone

With all your pointless screaming
You think you’ve got it bad
You’ll give us another reaming
Just get pointlessly mad

You raise up your pointless screaming
To cover up that it’s inane
Emotional or so it’s seeming
But in all truth it’s all mundane

From the moment you begin
You’re screaming without aim
Not how you play but that you win
To win a losing game
lyrics copyright jesse myers 2001/2007
music copyright after the mourning
lyrics by jesse myers 2001/2007
music by jesse myers, brandon biggs, aaron antis,and jake strasheim